Course Instructor: Kishore Kothapalli
Office Hours: Tuesday, Thursday: 4:00 PM -- 5:00 PM
Course Topics
A tentative list of topics covered in the course will be as follows:
The exact order and contents are subject to change.
- Introduction - Notation, degree sequences
- Connectivity - Definitions, SCC, Bi-connected Components
- Trees and Euler Graphs - Characterization, Counting Trees Cayleys Formula, Counting Binary Trees
- Bipartite Graphs - Randomness and Large Bipartite Subgraph
- Matching - Definitions, Hall's theorem, Stable matchings and the Marriage theorem
- Graph Coloring - Definitions ,Greedy Algorithm,Interval graph Coloring, Counting K Colorings,Mycielski's Construction,Chordal Graphs
- Network Flows - Flow, Ford-Fulkerson, Edmonds-Karp, Connections to Bipartite Matching
- Planar Graphs - Definition, Characterization, Coloring
- Algebraic Graph Theory - Eigenvalues of Graphs, Connection To Graph Properties
- Random Walks on Graphs -Markov Chains, Convergence to Stationarity
Grading Scheme
- Homeworks -- 20 %
- Midexam 1 -- 20 %
- Midexam 2 -- 20 %
- Endexam -- 40%
Reference Books
- Douglas B. West, Introduction to Graph Theory.
- Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, 2nd edition.