Installing the Wacom DTU 1141-B Driver

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

The instructions below describe how to install the Wacom DTU 1141-B driver on your laptop. If you have a different Wacom tablet, then you may still find these instructions useful. Only the actual driver links might be different.

2 Installing drivers on Windows or MacOS

Here are the steps to follow to install the Wacom DTU 1141-B Driver on a Windows 10 machine.

1. Check equipment parts
Go to the Wacom 101 site and verify that you have all the accessories of the Wacom 1141B tablet.
2. Download wacom drivers for Windows or Mac
Go to the Wacom DTU-1141B site and locate the Windows 10 driver or the MacOS driver. Download them to your machine. These are files that are a few 10's of MB's so they may take up to a minute to download.
3. Install the driver
Click `Open' on the downloaded driver. It will install itself.
4. Connect Wacom tablet
Connect the tablet to your laptop. You should see the screen of your Windows machine mirrored on the Wacom device.
5. Revist Wacom 101 site
You may want to revisit this site to explore the features of the Wacom tablet.

3 Installing drivers on Linux

1. Visit the Linux Wacom Project page
Depending on your OS distribution (debian, Ubuntu, RedHat), you will need to install different drivers. The page points to three types of installable software. You may need to install each one of them.


2020-07-21 Tue 21:27