Few useful links:

How to write a great research paper? - Microsoft.

How to give a great research talk? - Microsoft.

How to write a great research proposal? - Microsoft.

Book: Crafting your research future: A Guide to successful MS and PhD in Science and Engineering - A nice book on MS and PhD

Upcoming conferences - A nice summary of conferences on Prof. Robert Heath's webpage.

MOOC on oneM2M - India-EU collaboration project on ICT standards.

Links to some of my videos/interviews:

Times Now interview on air pollution project (research for social impact) - PRIF

Let's talk CPS/IoT - IIITH, 21 Jan. 2020

Webinar on "India's First Living Lab at IIITH: use case for oneM2M" - India-EU collaboration on ICT standardization, 11 Mar. 2020

India's First Living Lab Webinar" - oneM2M site

Links to news articles related to my work:

EU Supporting CoE on IoT for Smart Cities at IIITH - PRNews

IIIT-H's Living Lab is a first-of-its-kind setup where path breaking ideas can be created, tested and validated in real-time - Deccan Chronicle

IIIT-H hosts India-EU standards collaboration project - Various News Agencies

Q&A with Dr. Sachin Chaudhari on Living Lab - IIIT-H Blog Post

Living in the smart city of tomorrow - Instrumentation, November 2020

Updated: December 01, 2020